Cna job can be very stressful. It is important to learn the warning signs of stress, identify the source of the stress and learn how to cope with it.
Some warning signs of stress could be anger/frustration, fatigue, sadness, headaches, and tension or anxiety. One important step is identifying the cause of the stress, are you working long days? You don’t get along with coworkers or supervisors? Working too much and not having time for family and friends? Are you having a hard time dealing with the daily Cna work routine?
Copying with stress is an important step. Keeping a balance is life is crucial so finding time for activities that relax you and distract you like reading books, meeting friends, spending time with love ones, exercising, listening to music and eating healthy are all very important.
One of the best tips to deal with work-related stress is to leave work at work. Finding a good balance is life is the key to keep stress low. Many things about the job can’t be changed so we need to accept them and focus on the positive about helping others and impacting the lives of patients.